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2024  , 2025 

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On-Demand, Ongoing Care That Saves Lives

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Quis autem eum reprehenderit voluptate

Khairudin Aljunied

On-Demand, Ongoing Care That Saves Lives

Dr. Khairudin Aljunied (PhD SOAS, London) is a tenured Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore.

He is concurrently a Senior Fellow (formerly and Professor as well as
Malaysia Chair of Islam in Southeast Asia at the Alwaleed Centre for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University).

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Guiding young scholars, aspiring academics and writers in their study of Muslim societies

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“An incredibly useful resource for scholars working on Southeast Asia…”

– CHOICE Magazine, 2018

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Real State Lawyer

Brian M. Crouch

Family Lawyer

Michael L. Blum

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Steven E. Hames

Real State Lawyer